January is the time for self-care, wouldn’t you agree? There has never been a better time to indulge in natural ways to cleanse your body and restore your health to a sensible balance after the excesses of Christmas and New Year’s Eve. Time to beat the winter blues if you suffer from any, and truly recover from all the beverages.
Beauty and wellness begin from the inside out! When we nourish our bodies with the nutrients and supplements it needs, this will be positively reflected in how we look and feel. Feeling sluggish? Try drinking up to eight glasses of water a day, as it can help against tiredness and plays a vital function in detoxifying your body.
There are many things you can do to help detoxify your body. Find a few of my favorites below:
- Drink plenty of water. Drinking boiled water with ginger and a slice of lemon on an empty stomach will help to activate the digestive system.
- Eat a healthy diet. A diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains can help support your body’s natural detoxification processes.
- Exercise regularly. Physical activity can help to sweat out toxins and improve circulation, which can aid in the detoxification process. This doesn’t particularly mean lifting iron in the gym. It does mean getting that heart rate up by catching some daylight. Go for long walks on a daily basis with a step tracker to keep you motivated. Practice yoga or go bicycling to strengthen your muscles.
Picture courtesy of Vitaminstore
When you fall asleep at night but, just like me, struggle to stay asleep throughout the night, it can have a serious impact on your next day. Adequate sleep is important for overall health and can help your body repair and heal itself.
Picture courtesy of Vitaminstore
Solutions that can make a difference are supplements such as “ Nachtrust Complex “.
It contains hops and valerian that support a good night’s sleep while helping to relax the body and mind promoting sleep readiness. Easy short-term solutions that work for me are drinking Chamomile tea before bed and using a sleep mask and earplugs. After an intense workout having a bath with Epson salt is a great way to relax the muscles and increase the quality of sleep. The most important thing is to try different things a see what works for you. Find a few fantastic ideas HERE. Good luck!
Picture courtesy of Vitaminstore
Saving the best for last, well almost…
Enjoy a 25% discount with the code AMANDA25 on the full Vitaminstore assortment, skincare included. Valid until the 1st of February 2023. If that isn’t a treat, I don’t know what is. Enjoy it while it lasts.
Note: There are many supplements on the market that claim to support detoxification. However, it’s important to talk to a healthcare professional before starting any new supplement regimen or new detox regimen, as some methods may not be appropriate for everyone.