Happy New Year – 10 DAY Detox Program with The Organic Pharmacy

An inner cleanse is the perfect way to kickstart a New Year. It doesn’t mean starving yourself or only drinking green juices. It’s all about refreshing the body by eating lighter amounts of clean foods which are rich in nutrients and, for example investing in a detox program to get you going. Cleansing isn’t about deprivation. You should be able to love your food and make eating a joyful experience.

Margo Marrone, a Pharmacist, and Homeopath co-founded The Organic Pharmacy in 2002 with her passion to create a new way of thinking about natural health and beauty dedicated to all things organic and clean. With the 10-Day Detox, Margo developed a complete program designed to help gradually and gently cleanse and replenish the body with essential nutrients.

10-day Detox Kit (€ 110)

It’s designed to fit around a busy lifestyle and is rewarding to do without you having to fast or put any more unnecessary pressure on your body. And, it’s suitable for vegans, it’s gluten-free and lactose-free.

The benefits? It will help to improve sleep, restore gut health, boost Immunity, increase energy and last but not least: lift your mood 🙂 The first three days of the program are the hardest, but you’ll get through it. Plan cleverly and efficiently and make sure you can rest when needed, especially during the first days. If possible, set daily menu plans in advance and make sure you have most of what you need before you start the program. What you will need is the following:

10-day Detox Kit ( see above | € 110)

The advanced firming ampoules give skin a quick boost with the help of the high concentration of active ingredients that help to improve hydration and skin elasticity in a week.
Advanced Firming HCC7 Ampoules (€ 89)

Body Skin Brush exfoliates and removes dead skin cells – (€ 25)
Detox Body Oil to tone and detoxify – (€ 49,95)

As you will be consuming fewer calories while cleansing, it’s a good idea to invest in good-quality organic ingredients. Eating an early dinner during cleansing days will let your body have lots of time to digest and recover. After dinner, have a cup of herbal tea and go to bed slightly earlier to let your body restore.

Good Luck!

The Organic Pharmacy Detox Programm and skin care products are available HERE

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