John Masters Organics for body and hair

“Feel good about looking good”. The American hair stylist John Masters believes in this for more than 20 years and launched his own hair and skincare product line as he holy believed in the need for high quality products that treats the earth with respect. He calls it “super natural beauty”.

Yes! All organic certified products of John Masters Organics contain only natural wild-crafted ingredients.

Recently John Masters launched the Color Enhancing Conditioners each formulated with naturally derived color enhancing mineral pigments, including iron oxide and riboflavin, as well as a patented micro-protein compound made from moringa seeds. This formula preserves your colors and adds depth.

These conditioners are available in four shades: for those with blond, brown, red and black hair.  As you don’t go to the hair dresser every week, these conditioners are perfect for maintaining hair color in between salon visits as it gradually adds pigment to your locks with each use. The result is a rich color as well as extra shine. This hair freak is loving it!

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Available at and Sephora

By Santusha Kana

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