What Make-up To Wear With Your Everyday Glasses

I love a great pair of glasses and the way they can make a bold statement while acting as a great accessory that frame your eyes and lifts your face. The tricky part is to know what kind of make-up complements your new or everyday frames. The color and size of the frames are appointed, just as short and farsighted glasses are.

When it comes to make-up, less is definitely more if you wear glasses. A great eye, and faceprimer is a good way to start your routine. As eye primer has an oil balancing consistency I would recommend adding a little to the bridge of your nose to diminish slipping of your glasses. The same is for skincare. Save the rich, heavy duty skincare for nighttime, and keep it light during the day.

Try to use neutral eyeshadow tones so they won’t clash with the colour of of your glasses. Specific eye make-up how-to depends on your prescription: If you’re nearsighted, your eyes may seem smaller behind glasses. Subtly use light-reflective eyeshadow to add a little glow, especially on the inner corners of the eyes. Avoid wearing dark colors on or under the lower lash-line to keep your gaze open and fresh. Farsighted prescriptions often make eyes look bigger, so use a neutral shadow on lids and brush on a coat of mascara

Instead, use a pearly peach or off-white creme eyeshadow, also know as caviar sticks on the lower waterline to add some depth and sparkle. Laura Mercier and Bobbi Brown have one of the best. And remember; if your drawing attention to the lower lashes don’t forget to add nourishing concealer to the under-eye area for a rested appearance.

I love eyeliner, and have been wearing eyeliner since the age of 16. The golden rule with glasses? The thicker the your frame, the thicker the eyeliner can be, off-course depending on the amount of space you have between the lash line and the eye crease. Coordinating the thickness of your liner with that of your glasses will help ensure they don’t overpower your eyes.

Last but not least: glasses draw a lot of attention to your brows, so keep them tidy. Pluck strays and fill them with an eyebrow pencil or eye brow gel that has a lighter shade than your brow color so they wont look heavy.

Your eyes are the windows to your soul so think of your glasses as the ultimate frames. Create a make-up look that complements, rather than competes with your glasses. Good luck!







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