MAUDE Massage Candle

Born in New Mexico and raised in California Éva Goicochea spend her early career as a legislative aide in healthcare and then a decade working with forward-thinking companies.

In 2018 Eva launched Maude. A company with well designed and affordable products focusing on sexual wellness. In 2020 Dakota Johnson joined the team helping to change the industry creating a company that stands for modern intimacy.

All the Maude products are designed with inclusivity and functionality in mind. The natural massage candles create the perfect warmth for immediate use, is soft and nourishes the skin. A great catch as the simple yet discreet packaging can be recycled. 

The soy-based massage candle I’ve had the pleasure to try contains fresh notes of eucalyptus, sandalwood, cassis, and Haitian vetiver that warms the skin while the ingredients lifts the spirit. The 113,4 gram candle burns for approx 30 hours. (€ 34)

Maude is available HERE

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